Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Used For Sex

Talking to Milo online about J. I think I'm starting to get over it more and more. It's been 9 days since his last email to me. I'm pretty sure that means there's no hope. I'm still sending him one last email once I arrive in Florida, but that's going to be it. Milo tells me he totally used me for sex. I thought it was something more than that. If you read all of the emails we sent to each other, it would sound more than just sex to you too. But I guess he's just a great actor. A great liar. So what can I do now? I guess just check "getting used for sex" off the list and move on.

So now I'm wondering, why doesn't J want to use me for sex again when I'm in Florida?? LOL


Tris said...

No no no no no!
I swear if you guys have more meaningless sex together, it's going to be extremely detrimental for you in the long run.

Joshua said...

AHHH!!! Don't do that! Don't objectify yourself, you only end up hurting yourself! You're a person, not a thing! Don't let someone take advantage of you like that!

Doug said...

shane + joshua - thanks for looking out for me. I really appreciate it. I'm hoping for the best still.. He still has 5 days to respond to me....