Saturday, September 20, 2008

And Now The Wait

You'll never believe what happened. I don't even believe what happened.

J just chatted with me online.

Yeah, I'm seriously shocked. And not emails. But chat. AH!
So he apologized for being so BUSY with work and family visiting and all this crap. And he asks me how long I'm staying in Florida. And then HE proposes getting together for dinner while I'm still here. AH!
I try to play it as cool as possible in the chat - so trying not to sound like a stupid little school girl talking to her crush. And I say "yeah, that'd be real cool." He thinks he'll be free either tomorrow or the night after. AH!

So basically, now I just have to wait. Wait for him to call me and let me know when he'll be free and when our little meeting will be. I'm just going to take it as meeting up with a friend, and not a date or anything like that. I don't want to ruin it by assuming anything. AH!

I really can't contain my happiness right now that he finally... FINALLY... responded to me. But now, it's this wait that I'm so nervous about. I really hope he doesn't blow me off! AH!

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