Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Update on Miles

If you haven't read about my friendship with Miles ending, then you may want to read it here before moving on.

Well, Miles actually wrote me an email while I was in Hawaii. He started off by calling me a nickname that he knows I hate. And he even acknowledges that in the email. So WHY he would do that is beyond me. Maybe he's trying to be funny... but that's not the route to take when you're trying to reconcile.

Then he says that it's obvious that we haven't talked to each other in a long while and that he'd like to sit down and chat so that he can "get stuff off his chest." Off HIS chest? The only thing he should be doing is apologizing. That put me off already...

So I was cordial and replied to him. I told him that I would be back at work after Hawaii and that we can talk then. Well, I've since returned to work. He's had many opportunities to come and talk to me. Again, I still don't find reason for me to make the effort. He's the one that needs to apologize so he should come and talk to me. He knows where I am at work and there are ample amounts of opportunity for him to have a private conversation with me. He just doesn't do it.

I know many of you have commented saying that I should just be the better person and initiate the conversation. And I may have to do that, but it's just so annoying that he won't do it. And I have a feeling it's because he feels that he has done NOTHING wrong. He NEVER thinks he is wrong. In anything that we do. Even if it's CLEAR that he's wrong, he'll make some excuse or place the blame on someone else. So it's probably the case here.

Just completely frustrating and I really don't know what I want to do with it. I don't think our friendship will ever be the same even if we reconcile, but maybe I need to just do something so that it's not as awkward as it has been at work where we don't say more than 2 words to each other in the entire day...


dannie said...

you put the ball in his court so it's up to him to approach you with it.

Godfrey said...

i say, he's obviously aware that you're not speaking and he said he'd get together and talk. if anything you could ask him when he wants to talk, but don't do anything you don't want to. you definitely sound like you would want to be friends again, and that you miss him. i think you need to tell him why youre mad at him just like you did here. but you should also here him out. i honestly think once you both get it off your chest, you could definitely go back to being friends, even though it doesn't seem like that way now. in any event, he wouldn't have written you if he didn't miss your friendship (even if he didn't flat out say it).