Saturday, February 7, 2009

Auditions, again...

Another day... and yet I still have not posted about Hong Kong. Sorry... I think I just feel like it's going to be a super long post and I just don't have the energy to do it right now. I'm still sick, but I am feeling better. So that's good. Especially because I have another audition in the morning. This time it's for a show that I've auditioned for 5 times, each time being met with a rejection. So I'm really not getting my hopes up on this one. But I know I just gotta still go and try. So we'll see how it goes. No worries if it doesn't go well.

Guess I better get to sleep now... after I check out my latest downloaded videos from SeanCody and CorbinFisher, of course :P


Anonymous said...

good luck! do your best, and if all else fails, holding a judge hostage never did anyone bad.

Aek said...

Good luck with the audition!! 6th time's the charm?

Oh porn, don't let it keep you awake. You need every bit of rest you can get right now. ;-)

naturgesetz said...

Hope it went well; but as you say, you goota keep trying until you get something good. Don't give up.

Oh BTW, maybe you could break up the Hong Kong post into bite-sized bits with plenty of cliffhangers, like jay.osa.

Anonymous said...

Hope you don't have the bird flu, or heaven forbid the Asian or Hong Kong Flu ;-)

Get well soon.