Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"You are sooo fricking awesome!"

That was the first thing I read from the email I got from Drew Ferguson, the author of The Screwed-Up Life of Charlie the Second!! (Click the link to see my previous post on the book) I got so excited to see his email! He apologized for taking so long to reply, but thanked me for writing a post about him and his book and for emailing him personally. So cool to actually have contact with a published author! Really made my day. ;) He also divulged some information on a future project of his, which made me feel REALLY cool because he shared it with me. All I can say is that I'm UBER-excited!!

Thanks, Drew, for writing back! You are truly an amazing writer and I can't wait to read your books in the future!

**My next post, I promise, will finally be about my experience at the Hula Gay Bar in Hawaii. I'm writing this so that I hold myself accountable for actually finally posting about it! It's taken me long enough!!**


Aek said...


Wow, that's really cool that you got an email replay from the author!!! :D

torchy! said...

if you mail him again, tell him one of your mates in the uk can't take risk of owning a gay fiction book but would really like to buy an electronic version (I don't think there is one)

glad you liked the book and got a good response the author :)


Unknown said...

Good for you Doug!