Friday, April 30, 2010


I really need to get back into an exercise routine. I'm getting really disappointed (and almost disgusted) at the way I look right now. I keep thinking to last summer when I had such a nice body. And even then, I felt like I could improve tons. But now... it's just gotten out of hand. And so I really need to find a good workout program that I will enjoy doing and that will work. Last summer, I had P90X. And that was AWESOME. It really works. But no matter how hard I try to start that again (and I've tried multiple times now), I just can't. It's OLD to me. Same thing over and over. I just can't seem to stick with it like I did when I first went on it.

Well, I found this program called the "T-Shirt Body Program" in Muscle & Fitness magazine. They're workout exercises designed to make your body look good in a normal, everyday t-shirt. Sounds pretty cool, right? I mean, I'm not going to be walking around shirtless all the time... so looking good while in a t-shirt would be ideal. It's a pretty intense workout though. Lots of barbell and dumbbell work. I've actually never worked out with a barbell before so it was a new experience for me. Chest Presses are a LOT harder than I thought they would be. lol.

I hope to at least stick with this for a month. And I need to really think about increasing my cardio workouts. I stay active through my job... but after a year of doing the same thing, I'm afraid my body has adapted to it and I'm not burning as many calories as I should be. And all the excess fat is showing up as a spare tire around my stomach. :( I need to get rid of that ASAP. I'm going on vacation in the first week of June and I need to look GOOD. (I'll blog more about that real soon)

So wish me luck on my new workout endeavors. And I hope this finds everyone well. BTW, to all of you who may still read my little blog... write me a comment and say HI. Would love to hear from all of you :)


Aek said...


I'm sure your body is still loads better and hotter than mine. :-/ I haven't found anything that really works for me, and the P90X, amazing though it sounds, seems like too much work/time given how busy I usually am. >.<

Anonymous said...

I use a web based program: They will design a program for u based on your input, (strength, weightloss, etc.) The program uses a lot of free weights but also equipment available at a gym. (They have some gyms in a few cities too.) Keep it up, you seem like such a nice, decent guy... don't let the body "queens" get u down!

midoriverdegreen said...

hi, trying it for a month sounds like a good idea. that way you can find out what your body is comfortable with. have you tried working out with someone its really motivational.